Below are radio shows and speaking events featuring Rabbi Dr. Ed Weinsberg:
“How to Renew Intimacy After Cancer: The Role of Patients, Partners and Physicians," Man to Man Prostate Cancer Support Group lecture, Sarasota Memorial Hospital, Sarasota, Florida, October, 2012.
“Sex and Love in the Bible and Talmud,”a luncheon lecture presented to the Hadassah Men’s Associates, SaBra Branch, Sarasota, Florida, September, 2012.
Living and Loving After Cancer - panel discussion at Sarasota Memorial Hospital, June, 2012.
Interview with Rabbi Ed on prostate cancer diagnosis, the PSA controversy, and intimacy after illness, hosted by Joni Aldrich, W4WN internet radio, April, 2012.
"Reigniting Intimacy and Sexuality after Cancer," presentation at the Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, March, 2012.
"Robotic Surgery – a Surgeon’s Point-of-View" - Rabbi Ed comments on his surgeon’s thoughts published in parts of his book, Conquer Prostate Cancer: How Medicine, Faith, Love and Sex Can Renew Your Life, at the Man-to-Man Prostate Cancer Support Group, Sarasota Memorial Hospital, February, 2012.
"Reigniting Sexual Intimacy After Illnesses Like Cancer" interview on the Sexploration with Monika show, January, 2012.
Interview with Rabbi Ed on ArtistFirst Radio Network, December, 2011.
Surviving and Conquering Cancer, interview on the Dr. Melanie Show on the VoiceAmerica Health & Wellness Channel, September, 2011.
Intimacy and sexuality presentation to the Sarasota branch of Us TOO, International, September, 2011.
Prostate Cancer Patients and Their Doctors – What’s Right? What’s Wrong? The Dr. Robert Rose Show, Blog Talk Radio, September, 2011.
How to Reignite Sexuality and Intimacy After an Illness Like Prostate or Breast Cancer, Interview on Premier Summits Radio, September, 2011.
Low Libido in Men, Wellness for the Real World radio show with Dr. Veronica, August, 2011.
“Polygamy: Pros and Cons,” talk show panelist,, July, 2011.
“Reigniting Intimacy and Sexuality after a Major Illness,” one-hour Interview, Premier Summits Radio, July, 2011.
Guest, along with Dr. Ramanadha Rao, on the subject of prostate cancer treatment options on the The Designer Health Net Talk Show, June, 2011.
Guest on the topic of Sex and the Bible on the Wellness for the Real World radio show hosted by Dr. Veronica Anderson, M.D., March, 2011.
Prostate Cancer Healing with Rabbi Ed Weinsberg, interview with Wendy Strgar on “Lunch with the Loveologist" podcast,, January, 2011.
Afterthoughts radio show host Denice Newton interviews Rabbi Ed about his prostate cancer experiences and book, Conquer Prostate Cancer, December, 2010.
Prostate Cancer – Hope for the Future, interview with Dr. Dale Peterson on his Building Health by Design radio show, December, 2010.
Rabbi Ed’s interview on prostate cancer on the “Karen about Your Health” radio show on, December, 2010.
Thankfulness as a Result of Illness, interview on Energy of the Spirit podcast, hosted by Barbara Joye, November, 2010.
Patient-Doctor Communication, interview by T.J. Walker, September, 2010
Interview by Sue McGarvie, Sex Therapist and Radio Host, EZ Rock Radio, 99.7 FM, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, September, 2010.
"Prostate Cancer Health Talk," The Designer Health Net Talk Show, heard on WSMN-AM, Nashua, NH; WRMO-FM, Milbridge, ME; WHOU-FM, Houlton, ME; August-September, 2010.
"To Your Health! Embracing Change by Redesigning Your Life" - live webinar for Powerful Motivators website, August, 2010.
Free Teleseminars Offer Support to Those Impacted by Prostate Cancer, AWARE, Newsletter of ZERO – The Project to End Prostate Cancer, June, 2010
Facilitator for a panel discussion, “Treatment Options and Outcomes for Men with Prostate Cancer,” Man-to-Man Prostate Cancer Support Group, Sarasota Memorial Hospital, May, 2010
"Men’s Health Awareness Month and Prostate Cancer,” KBZZ Fox News Radio, Reno, Nevada, May, 2010
How Patients Can Become Active Members of Their Healthcare Team, teleseminar through, March, 2010
Rabbi Ed was selected as a “Diversity Champion” in October, 2009. Listen to his interview by Dr. Maura J. Cullen, “Diversity Mentoring: Aging, Religion, Race and Health (in relation to prostate cancer). See for more information.
Sexploration with Monika, FCC Free Radio, 107.3 FM, San Francisco, CA November, 2009
Robotic Prostate Surgery, interview by Machelle Seibel, M.D. on the Your Health Rocks podcast on WebTalkRadio. November, 2009
WLTH 1370-AM, Gary, IN, October, 2009
Energy Awareness Show "Counting Our Blessings: 7 Steps toward Developing an Attitude of Gratitude – in Sickness and in Health" October, 2009
Fr. Peter Live Show, WESO-AM, Southbridge, MA, August, 2009
The Poppoff Radio Show with Mary-Jane Popp, KHAI-AM, Sacramento, CA, July, 2009
WTSO, Madison, WI, July, 2009
KKZZ-AM, Newbury Park, CA, June, 2009
Bob Salter Show, WFAN, NY, June, 2009
Dresser After Dark, IRNUSA Radio News, syndicated radio show hosted by Michael Ray Dresser, May, 2009
Midlife Matters, hosted by H. Les Brown, March, 2009
African Americans and Prostate Cancer
Online With Andrea, February, 2009
Online With Andrea, January, 2009
The Group Room Cancer Talk Show, heard weekly on radio stations in 20 states and internationally on XM satellite radio, has been called “The world’s largest cancer support group.” It features physicians and other cancer experts and invites listeners to call in with their cancer questions, concerns and stories.
- "Fathers and Prostate Cancer," June 15, 2008
- "Prostate Cancer," June 29, 2008, in association with Us TOO International
- "Sexuality, Intimacy and Prostate Cancer Survivors," September 21, 2008
Below are brief excerpts from Rabbi Ed's Group Room interviews.
1. Men’s Capacity for Open Communication
3. Be Informed!
4. How Family and Faith Can Heal
Selma Schimmel, founder and CEO of Vital Options International and host of The Group Room says of Rabbi Ed: "I think you are a GREAT interview and a remarkable person. You express your views in a very compelling way."
The Group Room is hosted by Selma Schimmel, a cancer survivor and author. Co-hosts are:
Matthew J. Loscalzo, M.S.W. -- Administrative Director of Patient and Family Resources Center; Co-Chair, Division of Supportive Care Medicine; and Professor, Division of Population Sciences, City of Hope, Duarte, California.