A prostate cancer diagnosis is frightening for men and those who love them, and prostate cancer survivors face challenges with the side effects of treatment. Whether you are a prostate cancer patient, survivor, or spouse, or you suffer from a benign enlarged prostate, you probably have questions and concerns like these:
- How will prostate cancer affect me and my loved ones?
- How can I choose the right prostate cancer treatment option for me?
- What's the best way to prepare for prostate cancer surgery?
- How temporary or permanent incontinence can undermine intimacy and what you can do about it.
- What are the best ways to reduce pain and stress?
- Is there anything I can do to reduce the chance of a recurrence of my prostate cancer?
- Where can I turn for prostate cancer support? Should I join a formal support group? How can I get the informal support I need?
Rabbi Ed Weinsberg can help. As a prostate cancer survivor and patient healthcare educator with a doctorate in gerontology, he understands first-hand the issues faced by prostate cancer patients and survivors and the women who love them. Get Rabbi Ed’s guidance on your prostate health concerns and challenges with private coaching sessions.
To get started, schedule a complimentary 30-minute introductory discovery session now!
To schedule a time for a meeting by phone or Skype, please send an email using the email link beneath Rabbi Ed's photo to the right, and include your name, time zone, and phone number or Skype ID, with the words “consultation inquiry” in the subject line of the email. Suggest several dates and times that will work for you during the next two weeks, and we will get back to you to confirm the appointment.
So that he can be better prepared to help you, in your email please explain what prostate health issue concerns you most and when you were first diagnosed and/or treated.
This consultation is Rabbi Ed's gift to you on a limited first-come, first-serve basis. One goal of this breakthrough session is to discover whether your personal satisfaction and happiness can be increased through private, confidential intimacy coaching either with you alone or with you and your significant other.
With Rabbi Ed as your coach, you can learn how to conquer prostate cancer physically, emotionally and spiritually, from someone who's overcome the same challenges that you're facing. While you should make all final medical decisions with your physician, you can achieve the following through your prostate health coaching sessions with Rabbi Ed:
- Learn to cope with BPH, a benign enlarged prostate, and understand how this condition parallels yet differs from a cancerous prostate.
- Review the risks and benefits of various prostate cancer treatment options, so you can decide jointly with your doctor which is the best fit for you.
- Learn how patients and doctors can communicate more effectively, so you can become a more active member of your medical team.
- Face surgery and other prostate cancer treatment without anxiety by learning mind-body techniques like visualization and meditation.
- Overcome incontinence and ED by developing physical approaches that work for you, including special exercises and biofeedback.
- Discover how men and women can enhance intimacy and rekindle romance.
- Assess whether a penile implant is right for you.
- Understand the healing power of humor, and discover how you can laugh more often to reduce pain and stress.
- Learn how prayer and faith in your Higher Power, in your doctor and in yourself can help you recover more quickly and thoroughly.
"In his book and in person Rabbi Ed does a great job of laying out treatment options and side effects. I appreciate his being so open and honest with his own personal story."
— Darren Ritch, prostate cancer survivor
Rabbi Ed's methods include self-guided visualization, biofeedback, steps for enhancing intimacy and overcoming ED and a lower libido, as well as humor and faith. His coaching enables clients to use these and other tools to hasten their recovery and understand that healing comes from within.
Conquer prostate cancer —
to schedule your private prostate health coaching session now! Remember, your introductory session is free.
About Rabbi Ed
Rabbi Ed Weinsberg has a doctorate in gerontology from Columbia University and is a member of the American Association of Sexual Educators, Counselors and Therapists. He counseled many people in his 30 years as a congregational rabbi and he has worked with patients before surgery to help them reduce their fears. Rabbi Ed had successful robotic surgery for his prostate cancer in 2007. Read his bio for more information.